domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011


Love is a universal concept concerning the affinity between beings, defined in different ways, depending on the different ideologies and views (scientific, philosophical, religious and artistic). Usually, and mainly in the West, it is interpreted as a feeling related to the affection and attachment, and resulting and producer of a range of emotions, experiences and attitudes.
In the philosophical context, love is a virtue which represents all the goodness, compassion and affection of the human being. You can also be described as actions directed toward other (or toward oneself) and based on the compassion, or as actions directed toward others and based on affection.
In spanish, the word love (from the latin, love, -ōris) covers a large amount of different feelings, from desire passion and intimacy of romantic love until the emotional proximity asexual of familial love and the platonic love, and up to the deep unity or devotion of love religious. In the latter field, goes beyond the feeling and becomes viewed as a manifestation of a state of mind or the soul, identified in some religions with God himself and with the force that holds the universe together.The emotions associated with the love can be extremely powerful, arriving with frequency to be irresistible. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, due to its psychological importance central, is one of the most common subjects in the creative arts (music, film, literature).
From the point of view of science that what we know as love seems to be an evolved state of primitive survival instinct, which maintained the human beings united and heroic in the face of threats and facilitated the continuation of the species through reproduction.
The diversity of uses and meanings and the complexity of the feelings that covers make love will be particularly difficult to define in a consistent manner, although, basically, love is interpreted in two ways: under a conception altruistic, based on compassion and collaboration, and under another selfish, based on individual interest and the rivalry.Selfishness is often connected with the body and the material world; altruism, with the soul and the spiritual world. Both are, according to the current science, expressions of brain processes that the evolution has provided the human being; the idea of the soul, or something similar to the soul, probably appeared between one million and several hundreds of thousands of years.
Often, it happens that individuals, groups or companies disguised their selfish behavior of altruism; it is what we know as hypocrisy, and we find many examples of such behavior on the advertising. Conversely, you can also happen that, in a selfish environment, an altruistic behavior the guise of selfishness: Oskar Schindler provided a good example.
Throughout history, there have been expressed, even in cultures without any known contact between them, concepts that, with some variations, include essential duality of the human being: the feminine and masculine, good and evil, the yin and yang, the Apeiron of Anaximander.

Place of the word


The name of Rome On behalf of the people is generally regarded as referring to Romulo, but there are other hypotheses. One of them relates to Rome, which would be the daughter of Aeneas or Evandrus. Recent studies seem to give preference to a root from indo-European with meaning of "river"; Rome in this case would mean "the people on the river".
Rome is also called the cities, and this name (in latin would mean generically as any other people) comes from "urvus", the slot cut by a plow, here, by Romulo.

The legend of The Origin of Rome The remote sources of the city of Rome, are lost in the legend; still surely prior to the year 754 bc, when subsequently the roman authorities they dated its foundation.
In the same way, and it is unlikely that your foundation has emerged from a explicit action and deliberate, roman traditions later adorned its emergence with various legends, collected especially by the Roman historian Titus Livius, that link the origin of Rome to a lineage of gods and heroes.
Finally, Rómulo built shelters in the Capitoline hill for slaves and criminals who escaped and carried out the kidnapping of the "Sabinas", women of another tribe of the Tiber, so that the men that he had joined their wives. After some wars between them, the junipers declared him their king. Romulo was the first King of Rome and the legend says that he was taken to the heavens for his father Mars, which was worshipped as the god quirinus.

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

Eating Disorders

Compulsive Overeating.It is characterized by uncontrollable eating and consequent  weight gain. Some people use food to cope with stress, emotional conflicts and daily problems. The food can block out feelings and emotions. These people usually feel out of control and are aware their eating patterns are abnormal. Like bulimics, compulsive overeaters  do recognize they have problem.

Anorexia. It is characterized by a significant weight loss resulting from excessive dieting. Most women and an increasing number of men are motivated by the strong desire to be thin and a fear of becoming obese. They consider themselves to be fat, no matter what their actual weight is. Often these people do not recognize they are underweight and may still ``feel fat`.

Bulimia. It is characterized  by a cycled of binge eating followerd by purging to try range
from 1000to 10.000calories for another, cookies may be considered a binge.