Sunset (twilight) is a romantic novel with vampires addressed to the teenage public, written by stephenie Meyer, published in 2005. This is the first part of a series of four books, which are published, in addition to twilight, new Moon, Eclipse, and Dawn.Midnight Sun is a separate project, without end, in which stephenie has been working for a long time; in which history repeats itself from twilight but narrated by Edward Cullen, this project has been suspended indefinitely by the author, due to the illegal distribution of the first 12 chapters.The novel has been translated into 37 languages and has sold more than 25 million copies.
The stage of history is Isabella Marie Swan, a young woman of seventeen years he moves to Forks, Washington, after her mother remarried with Phil, baseball player, which is their new stepfather; and because of the work of this travels constantly, so Bella decides to live with Charlie, his father, so that her mother can travel to the side of Phil. In the college knows Eric, Mike, Tyler, Jessica and Angie, that become their new friends.
In its first day of classes Bella sees five students they call it the attention by its beauty and its paleness. Sit away from the whole world, they barely relationship with the other students. They are the brothers Cullen; Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie. In reality, they are not biological brothers, but all were adopted by the doctor Carlisle Cullen and his wife, Esme Cullen.
Among them, Edward is who quickly captures the attention of Bella. Your attention is on the rise, reaching its peak when she discovers that Edward has a great strength and speed, because when Bella is dying crushed by a car, led by Tyler, Edward saves his life appearing next to it with a supernatural speed and stopping the car with the hand, remain that Edward was in his car to several meters away from distance.This incident gives rise to the suspicion of Edward, because it cannot believe that someone "human" might be able to do something as well.One day his friends invite each other to the beach of the Push, and this decides to go. On the beach, beautiful knows a little more to Jacob Black, the son of the best friend of his father. But when he mentions that Edward could not go with her; Sam, a friend of Jacob, said that the Cullen would not for the area of the Push, and she was very interested because it seemed to him that Sam said that the Cullen had "banned" entry to the Push.For this reason decides to persuade Jacob to tell the story. Bella is intrigued, since Jacob tells a legend about "the cold", where the Cullen had been the same vampires that signed a treaty with his great, great grandfather, toward more than 50 years.
Finally, uniting all their signs: supernatural strength, speed, the fact that it is not exposed to the sun. Bella concludes that Edward is a vampire.
Between them there is a romance difficult because Edward is a danger to Bella, but he doesn't want to depart from it and nor did it want to keep it because his love is stronger than the desire of Edward to quench your thirst and chew on it to drink his blood, that it was much more attractive than anything else in the world.
Edward invited Bella to know his family, and also to go to see how play baseball game that enjoy especially when there are storm, but while they are playing appear three vampires: James, Laurent, and Victoria. James is a crawler, hunting is their obsession and decides to go hunting for Bella, in spite of the defense brought by Carlisle and Edward.
Edward tries to protect transmission and his entire family are trying to scare off the hunter. Bella returns to Phoenix fleeing and making believe to his father that does not want to spend the rest of his life in a small town like Forks. It is as well as beautiful part in a car with Jasper and Alice, while Edward is in Forks to not raise suspicion. James has just sourcing and deceives to Bella to go to a school of ballet to which it was during their childhood.The threat to kill her mother, making it believe that the has abducted, if does not meet with the alone.
Bella is taken away from those who protect you, risking his life for his mother and it is found that everything has been a hoax. This alone with James and the intended to kill her. Begins to beat her and reaches morderle in the wrist. There comes a point that is unconscious and dreams that there is an angel around, when in reality it is Edward, which has reached the scene with his family.
The doctor Cullen starts to cure to Bella and Edward is forced to get the venom of his body so that she does not become vampire.Bella wakes up days later in a hospital, accompanied by her mother and Edward. The latter tells you that they should stay away from one another because it is dangerous for her, but none of the two may be without the other.
At the end of the book, Edward leads to beautiful the dancing of end-of-course and there discussed on the immortality of the young.

The novel me encantas is a love story very linda tells you that there is no love more fully that the forbidden love and more morbid and liked the dangerous.When doing to get ahead, when you fight for him, when the struggle for you, when you are traveling far, when the trip is difficult and when everything seems to be against you. Most of the amores fall by the way, those who arrive at the end are delighted about the road we have travelled and they smile satisfied with the result.
It makes you feel identified you are so excited about romanticism has action and darama lacks nothing i love.
Wonderful work! I loved the movie trailer and the pictures. Now express your opinion on Twilight